One Rep Max (1RM) Calculator
Percentage of 1RM
Percentage | Reps |
100% | 1 |
95% | 2 |
90% | 3 |
85% | 5 |
80% | 8 |
75% | 10 |
1RM Calculator: Easily estimate your maximum lift with our tool! Input your weight lifted and reps, and unlock your potential today!
Features of 1RM Calculator
- User Inputs:
- Weight Lifted: The weight the user lifted during their exercise (in kg)
- Number of Reps: The number of repetitions the user completed.
- 1RM Calculation:
- Uses the Epley formula: 1RM=weight×(1+reps30)\text{1RM} = \text{weight} \times \left(1 + \frac{\text{reps}}{30}\right)1RM=weight×(1+30reps).
- The formula estimates the maximum weight the user can lift for a single repetition based on the weight and number of reps performed.
How It Works:
- The user inputs the weight they lifted and the number of repetitions.
- When the "Calculate 1RM" button is pressed, the calculator computes the user's one-rep max using the Epley formula.
- The result is displayed, giving the user an estimate of their 1RM.
This tool is useful for athletes and gym-goers to measure their strength and progress over time.
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